The Cincinnati based non-profit arts organization and gallery, Manifest, invites visual artists and designers to submit original works exploring rest, dreaming, and where and when we can lay down our heads. Open to all traditional and non-traditional genre and media, including 2D, 3D, etc. We need to rest. There is no way to avoid the simple fact that despite our desire or need to be awake and working, eventually the need to lie down will overcome us against our will if ignored long enough. When we do sleep, we are better for that rest. When we sleep we get to dream, our brain pulling apart and rearranging the desires and events of our lives into surreal and revealing collages. Even while conscious, the leisure to let our minds wander without a specific task permits great creativity and insight. Dormancy isn't necessarily idleness—for seeds, dormancy is a what allows them to spread and survive, and a fallow field leads to rejuvenation. $45 for up to three entries. $5 per each additional entry. Includes honorarium of $50 for each exhibiting artist, and Grand Jury Award of $1,000 for one jury-selected work from among the exhibits on view.