Open Imagination
 December 15, 2023
Your Physical Art in Sculpture Park Augmented Reality Exhibition - done from your studio anywhere

You have the opportunity to participate in a sculpture exhibition that is the first of its kind in the world: An Augmented Reality exhibition of real-world sculptures that will be virtually displayed via an app onto a real-world outdoor pedestal in a beautiful forested public sculpture park setting. This exhibit opened successfully in 2023, and we now offer a Call for Artists for the second annual AR exhibition in 2024. To apply, we just need to see photo(s) of your sculpture (no video needed initially). If selected for the exhibition, your later preparation steps can be done simply and remotely from anywhere in the world at your studio or wherever your physical sculpture is currently located, with no requirements for travel or onsite installation. This unique ongoing show comes with many artist benefits including public exhibition at a popular sculpture park, association with a whole new way of experiencing sculpture, marketing of you, zero commission on sales (100% to artist), and no additional costs beyond the entry fee. We seek unique, exciting artistic visions that will enthrall viewers through both your original sculpture and this new interactive way of experiencing your art. The first exhibition group is already in place and we are looking for participants in follow-on small group exhibitions that will be rotated over time, with a high likelihood of repeat appearances for you and your art. Selected artists will each be paid a $1,000 honorarium.

 $1,000 per selected artist and other benefits