Artists worldwide are invited to submit work for The Pastel Society Annual Exhibition at Mall Galleries, London. Prizes & awards to win! Deadline: Friday 15 November, 12 noon. Successful applicants can expect: To have their work included in the exhibition at Mall Galleries and online; Eligibility to win prizes and awards worth over £5,500; An invitation to the Private View; The chance to sell work to new collectors; To be part of a network of exhibiting artists dating back to 1898, when the Society was founded; The possibility of election to membership. Medium: All types of pastel including soft pastel, hard pastel, oil pastel, ink pastel, water-based pastel, conté crayons or sticks, sanguine, and other dry mediums that are similar in their application including charcoal, chalk, and pencil. Mixed media works are welcome where pastel or another dry media is the primary medium. Such work should be submitted with a full description of the media used and any process which has been employed in the finished work beyond drawing and painting, e.g. printing, photography. Who may enter? Any artist aged 18 or over may enter, from anywhere in the world. How many works may I enter? Artists may enter a maximum of six works each, from which up to four works per artist may be selected. What type of work is eligible? Work must have been completed within two years prior to the exhibition and not have been exhibited previously at Mall Galleries. Works should be no larger than 2.4m