Open Imagination
 October 14, 2024
PH21 Gallery presents: 'Dis/harmony' – A Curated International Photography Exhibition

Harmony is an elusive, perhaps even ineffable aspect of photographic images. The same can be said for disharmony, its potentially disturbing, but often stimulating opposite. While many photographers share the view that the communicative impact of images is enhanced by harmony, there are countless individual artistic interpretations of what makes an image harmonious or disharmonious. Some view harmony primarily as a visual compositional feature, accepting the unusual, the unexpected, or even the disturbing within the realm of compositional harmony or disharmony. For others, harmony is also a thematic concept, and they find harmonious elements in the communicative content of the image, arising from the various interactions depicted. The intentional lack of harmony can also lead to some of the most creative photographic compositions. All photographic genres utilise compositional elements to create the sense of harmony or its opposite. PH21 Gallery invites photographers to submit their work for its group exhibition themed Dis/harmony. We are seeking submissions from all photographers who consider harmony or disharmony to be a constitutive element in their work and who wish to share their art with a wider international audience through PH21 Gallery. The theme is broadly construed; harmony or disharmony may be present as a formal aesthetic feature and can be expressed visually on personal or social levels, whether literally or in abstract, symbolic ways.

 One curator's choice and three honourable mentions