THEME- According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of animal is: “an·i·mal n. any living thing that is not a plant." It can be expressed many ways and we look forward to seeing your interpretation. PAY IT FORWARD- We will be donating 10% of all entry fees from this show to the Humane Society. Our local center, Bedford County Humane Society (in Pennsylvania, USA), receives no government funding and is not a United Way agency. Instead, the generosity of individual and corporate supporters allows the continued operation and growth of the many programs and services. The BCHS provides services for more than 1000 animals each year. Colors of Humanity Art Gallery, LLC is not affiliated with the Bedford County Humane Society. ELIGIBILITY- All artists 18 and over may enter. JUDGING CRITERIA- Originality, interpretation, quality, demonstration of ability, and usage of medium. JUROR- Janelle Cogan. ENTRY FEE- $20 for 1 or 2 pieces (You may enter more than once if you have additional works.) AWARDS- Cash prize will be given to the Best of Show winner. Additionally, the Best of Show winner will be featured. His or her artwork will be on the cover of the show and it will be largely displayed with an article about them and their work. Other winners will be featured and have similar recognition. All accepted works will be displayed with the artist name, title of work, and a li to their website, or email address if they do not have a website. SALES- 100% Commission Free!