SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Important Dates: • October 19: Submission deadline • October 26: Notification of accepted works • Nov 2 - 9: Deliver work to Blue Cat • November 15 – December 21: Exhibit on display • November 21: Opening Reception • Dec 22 - Jan 4: Return unsold work to artists. Exhibition Theme & Eligibility: 100x100 : • Open to artists of all career levels from emerging to professional, 18 years of age or older • Submit up to five entries created in the last five years (and not previously exhibited at Blue Cat) responding to the prompt, “What does a $100 artwork look like to you?” Is it a sketch, a study, a small finished drawing or painting? • Max Size: 2D, no one side larger than 24”, including frame (3-D work requiring a pedestal, no more than 20” wide or deep) • Any media including painting, works on paper, printmaking, photography, sculpture (excluding installation art), ceramics, mixed media • Framed works should have a wire for hanging; matted and unframed works on paper may be displayed using L-pins or magnetic pins • By submitting work for this exhibit, artists whose works are selected for the show grant Blue Cat Gallery & Studio the right to use submitted images on printed materials, gallery website & social media sites for promotional purposes. • Artwork accepted for the exhibit must be for sale. Blue Cat Gallery will receive a 25% commission for each work sold from the exhibit.