Open Imagination
 June 01, 2024
Arts Letters and Numbers - Craft 101 Open Call

Arts Letters and Numbers is excited to introduce Craft 101, A new model of education grounded in an ethos defined by listening, mentorship, and collaboration. Craft 101 brings a wide spectrum of practices- material, spatial and poetic- into close proximity, with the hope of deepening experiences, relationships, and understandings. Resident Participant Pricing: $550/week (Shared Room); $750/week (Private Room); $900/week (Private room for Two). These prices cover accommodation; participation in any program taking place on site during your stay, and include three collective meals a week. Non-Resident Participant Pricing: $200/week, or $40/day. These prices cover participation in any and all Craft 1o1 programs taking place on campus during your selected dates, as well as three collective meals a week.
