We invite photographers to submit their work for a juried exhibition celebrating the evocative and multifaceted theme of "Beyond the Mirror". This competition seeks photographic interpretations that explore mirrors both literally and metaphorically. We welcome all creative angles, from reflections in glass to introspective self-portraits, symbolic imagery, or abstract compositions that contemplate identity, perception, or the duality of human experience. Show us how "mirrors" open a window to deeper realities. Accepted entries will be shown in an online exhibition from February 1 through March 31, and then archived on our website. The First Place entry will be awarded $300 and offered a free Solo Exhibit in the gallery's Featured section. Digital badges will be awarded to all participants and Certificates will be given to the First, Second and Third place entries plus the two Honorable Mentions. The exhibition will be promoted on our social media sites, email blasts and other online sites.